Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Blue Wyandotte bantam
Gold Pencilled Wyandotte bantam
Lavender Araucana, she will lay pale blue eggs
Oh yeah! Something I've been wanting for a LOOONNNNGG time - chickens! We built a nice big chicken coop AGES ago and I've been so busy I just haven't had time to fill it with chooks, until now - yippee!! Say hello to our three lovely ladies... we have two little bantams of the Wyandotte breed; a pretty blue and a gorgeous gold pencilled. And a funny-lookin chicken of the Lavender Araucana variety who will lay eggs that are the most beautiful pale blue colour. Yep - blue chook eggs yay! These girls won't start laying for another couple of months, but in the meantime I'm really enjoying getting to know them teehee! I think this may get addictive, I'm already planning an extension to the chook run so we can get more :)


Angel said...

awesome. it's such a good idea to get chickens. saves some money if you really love eggs. When I get a house I'll be getting one or two as well. Take some pictures of those blue eggs when they start laying them!


aah man sooo extremely very muchly jealous!! you get all lovely cute types too nice one :)
ps happy NY lovely x x x

Unknown said...

oh how lovely! You'll know your eggs have come from happy hens then :0))))
the hens look beautiful!

Anonymous said...

what pretty chookies!

Shirley said...

I've not heard the term chooks before..and I love it! Bee, you'd love it here..right next to us, there is a chook run with about 20 of 'em. Crowing and all each day as my little one and I cycle up the street. Oh yours are simply gorgeous! Elora will love seeing them and tending to the eggs growing wonderful!! : ) Pics of the blue eggs to come when they lay them, right? : )

Amy C said...

what an adorable feathery fleet of chookies you have.
Happy 2012 to you and yours Bee!

Jenni Price said...

I tried chasing and picking up chickens at a petting farm recently for fun and wow, it was hard! I never was able to pick one up. LOL! Do you think you'll give them names?

melissa said...

Oh, I love them! We only have boring brown chickens but I'd love to get some different ones next time. I like sitting and watching them. :D